‘Can I Use My Kitchen During Its Renovation?’

Kitchen During Its RenovationOne of the first questions many clients ask us prior to the start of their kitchen renovation project is whether or not they will be able to use it while work is going on. While it depends on the project, in most cases the answer is ‘probably not’.

The reason is that for most major kitchen upgrades, the first step is demolition. The existing kitchen is removed down to the bare studs. Appliances are disconnected and in some cases removed temporarily to another location or thrown away altogether if new ones are going to be installed.

So in essence during your kitchen renovation, there’s a good chance there won’t BE a physical kitchen you can use.

Plan Ahead

We advise planning for alternative ways of feeding yourself and your family during the course of the renovation project. If you already have a second refrigerator and freezer in another room — such as in your basement or garage — consider making this your primary refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Transfer food to your other refrigerator to keep it safe. But be aware you probably won’t have as much room as you are used to having.

Another good idea is to sign up for food delivery apps if you don’t already have some. These will let you order food for your family with the push of a button, eliminating the need for a kitchen altogether — at least for a little while. It’s also a good idea to get used to the idea of dining out at least a few times during the time your kitchen is being upgraded.

It’s Worth It

While getting your kitchen replaced is certainly inconvenient, in the long run, it is going to be totally worth it.

Look at the experience as an adventure. Plan ahead, enjoy the change of pace and look forward to the reward at the end.