Considering a Kitchen Renovation? Think Big!
If you have been thinking about remodeling your kitchen, don’t consider just little upgrades like a fresh paint job, a new ceiling fan, or even new appliances. Start by thinking big.
What would your dream kitchen look like if there were no limitations on space, time, or budget? What if you could have exactly the type of kitchen you admire in magazines or interior design websites?
While making that kitchen a reality may not truly be possible, dreaming big can often lead to new and exciting ideas that you actually can implement in your kitchen renovation project.
Walls, Windows, and Open Spaces
For example, you might think you are limited to the four walls that currently enclose your kitchen, but that may not be entirely true. Maybe one wall or at least a portion of a wall could be removed to make your kitchen look bigger, brighter, and more luxurious? Even if your kitchen is bordered by exterior and bearing walls, there are still creative ways to hide or mask beams and supports to still give you more space.
Windows are another element where radical improvement is often possible. Undersized windows that block light from getting into your kitchen perhaps can be replaced with larger windows, bay windows, or even sliding glass doors. When you let your imagine run wild, there’s no limit on what you can dream for your new kitchen.
Next Steps
Brainstorming ideas for your dream kitchen is fun, exciting, and rewarding. It also often leads to practical ideas that actually can be included as part of your kitchen renovation plans.
Mr. Kitchen has been helping South Florida homeowners transform their biggest, wildest ideas into reality for many years. Call us today to find out how our experienced, knowledgeable professional builders can make your kitchen dreams come true.