Let’s Talk about Floors

FloorsWhen planning a kitchen renovation, many homeowners often overlook one of the most important elements of the redesign: The floor.

It’s easy to forget about the floor because it’s not usually one of the “stars” of a kitchen makeover. New cabinets, appliances, and lighting take up most of the spotlight. But if you make flooring an afterthought, you aren’t going to get as much bang for your buck from your kitchen renovation.

Flooring Options

Most people don’t think about floors because they are just always there. But many are surprised when they go shopping for new flooring as part of their kitchen renovation by the variety of options that are now available.

It used to be there were basically two options for kitchen floors: Wood or ceramic tile. But today there are tiles and other materials that look so much like wood that it’s hard to tell the difference. There are also stone flooring, decorative tile, quick install flooring, and many other options to consider. Most people discover that their trip to the flooring store takes a lot longer than they thought because there are so many new and intriguing alternatives for their new kitchen.

Floor Importance

It’s important that you don’t overlook flooring when designing your new kitchen because the right floor not only will highlight everything else, but will make everyday use of your kitchen easier, more comfortable, and easier to keep clean.

Mr. Kitchen can help guide you to the best flooring options for your kitchen renovation. We can offer ideas that complement the choices you make for cabinets, lighting, appliances, and other elements of your kitchen project.

Floors are the baseline for everything else you do in your kitchen. So make sure you choose the best flooring that will make your new kitchen the showcase you can’t wait to show off to your family and friends.


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