Mr. Kitchen Respects Your Privacy
At Mr. Kitchen, we have been building new kitchens, bathrooms, and other projects in people’s homes for more than a decade. So we know how to respect people’s privacy.
Through the years, we have heard plenty of horror stories about contractors who come into people’s homes, disrupt their everyday lives, and generally act as if they own the place. We take each of these stories as an object lesson about how NOT to behave when working in somebody else’s home.
Just because we are temporarily setting up a mini construction site inside your home doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect your privacy. We don’t come in and blast loud music while we are working, we don’t shout off-color comments or swear words to each other, and we don’t make a huge mess and then leave it there for days or even weeks at a time while we work.
Instead, at Mr. Kitchen, we pride ourselves on treating our clients with the respect and kindness they deserve. We understand that now, more than ever, there may be family members working from home or spending time inside the house while your renovations are happening. So we don’t treat your home like a construction zone. Instead, we give it the respect and care it deserves.
Building Trust
While there likely be some periods where there will be hammering, sawing, and other loud construction sounds going on, we try to keep these to a minimum. And we don’t complicate the situation by being disrespectful or thoughtless — whether there are people in your home or not.
We make every effort to work clean, removing messes at the end of every day. And we are always aware that people in your family are likely to be around and that we need to be conscious of what we say or do.
Mr. Kitchen isn’t like other home renovation contractors. We’ve been around long enough to know what kind of behavior is appropriate and what isn’t.