New Kitchen, New Lighting Opportunities

New KitchenIf you have been dealing with a dark, frustrating kitchen, getting a new kitchen renovation is an opportunity to change all that. A new kitchen means new lighting that makes your kitchen brighter, safer, and more rewarding.

Upgrading lighting is near the top of most homeowner’s kitchen renovation priorities lists. That’s because kitchens in homes built in the mid- to late-20th century tended to have inadequate lighting, minimal direct sunlight, and unnecessary dark spots. We’ve even seen kitchens where homeowners depended on lamps to illuminate dark spaces.

Better Lighting

What many people don’t realize is that most kitchen renovations offer the opportunity to start from scratch when it comes to lighting and electrical. Most renovations start with demolition, often down to the room’s bare studs. That means all the original electrical and plumbing work is completely exposed and open to upgrades.

Adding more outlets, updating and improving the electric capabilities, and adding new lighting is easier when you remove all the existing components that have been frustrating kitchen users for decades. Now you can add things like new lighting in new places, bigger windows, and even skylights and more. The only limitation is your own imagination.

Brighter Kitchens

A brighter kitchen is a safer and more functional kitchen. Now you never have to worry about trying to prepare meals in inadequate lighting again because Mr. Kitchen can give you the bright, beautiful kitchen you have always wanted.

New modern lighting cans over the sink and other work areas, under counter lighting, more natural light from bigger windows with more direct sun exposure are all just the beginning of what you can expect. When we draw up plans for your kitchen renovation, one of the first questions we will have is, “How can we make it brighter?”

You’re going to love your new, bright kitchen!