Your Kitchen Renovation Wish List
“What do you want in your new kitchen?” This is one of the first questions new clients are asked by the kitchen renovation experts at Mr. Kitchen. The answer you give will determine how we design and build your brand-new kitchen space.
Creating a kitchen renovation wish list is the first step in the renovation process. What you put on your list provides our expert designers and builders with the blueprints they need to transform your kitchen dreams into everyday reality.
Look Around
If you aren’t sure what you want your new kitchen to look like, the place to start is to look at your existing kitchen and identify what it lacks. If you don’t yet know what you want, think about what you have but don’t like. When you are cooking or eating in your kitchen, is there something missing? Something that could be better? Anything at all that would make your life better and more productive?
For many homeowners, the answer is more light. For others, it’s more storage space. Or the answer could simply be, “More everything!” When putting together your kitchen renovation wish list, you don’t need to be constrained by things like space or budget. The best way to start is to dream big. We can help you fill in the details of how to get there later.
Making It Happen
The starting point is for you to figure out what you want in your new kitchen. A great place to begin is to start looking at other people’s kitchens — either in person or on kitchen design websites or magazines — and then cherry-pick the ideas you like best.
Mr. Kitchen has helped hundreds of homeowners transform their biggest, wildest kitchen ideas into their everyday reality. Your job is to dream big. At Mr. Kitchen, our job is to take your biggest and boldest kitchen ideas and use them to build the kitchen of your dreams.