Bathroom Renovations Pay Dividends
Posted by on July 17, 2024 in Uncategorized

What if you could replace your current, outdated bathroom with a brand new one featuring all the latest design elements? Now imagine the bathroom update you get now paying for itself later when you sell your house. That’s no fantasy. Many homeowners can recoup the cost of their bathroom renovat...

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Think Creatively When Planning Your New Kitchen
Posted by on July 10, 2024 in Uncategorized

When planning your new kitchen renovation, you aren’t limited by the current dimensions, size, or shape of your current kitchen. At Mr. Kitchen, we encourage you to think outside the box – literally! In many older homes, especially those built before 1970, kitchens were built in a square or r...

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Creating a Budget for Your Kitchen Renovation
Posted by on June 26, 2024 in Uncategorized

Kitchen renovations tend to be expensive. Depending on the size and complexity of your upgrade, you can expect to spend tens of thousands of dollars. So how can you pay for it? Most people don’t usually have that kind of extra cash lying around. You can always apply for a bank loan. You may eve...

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Choosing the Best Kitchen Cabinets
Posted by on June 19, 2024 in Uncategorized

Most homeowners rarely buy kitchen cabinets. They typically come with the house and unless you are renovating your kitchen, you probably have never given yours a second thought. But when you are updating your kitchen, your cabinets are usually one of the first things to go – especially if they ...

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How to Pay for a Kitchen Renovation
Posted by on May 14, 2024 in Uncategorized

Every kitchen renovation is unique but they all have one thing in common: They cost money. Often a lot of money. Depending on the size and scope of your kitchen upgrade, the final bill can total in the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Most people don't have that kind of cash just l...

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We Want to Hear Your Ideas!
Posted by on May 7, 2024 in Uncategorized

Some kitchen remodeling contractors seem to specialize in saying "no": "No, you can't use that design because of this reason." Or "No, you can't change out your flooring or cabinets because of blah blah blah." Many of these contractors will pressure homeowners to choose a certain type of renovati...

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TV in the Kitchen? Why Not!
Posted by on April 11, 2024 in Uncategorized

Family dining habits have changed a lot in just the past few years -- and not necessarily in a good way. Most families today are lucky if they can all sit down together and enjoy a distraction-free meal once per week, let alone every night. What's more likely is meals being eaten separately or toget...

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Renovations May Boost Your Home’s Resale Value
Posted by on April 9, 2024 in Uncategorized

Do you know what your home is worth? Not what you paid for it, but how much you could get for it if you sold it on the open market right now? If you haven't done much to improve it over the years, that figure may be lower than you think. Right now, it's a buyer's market in most places. That means...

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Add-Ons to Make Your New Kitchen Better
Posted by on March 15, 2024 in Uncategorized

If you are planning a kitchen renovation, you have the opportunity to include new elements that make your kitchen more convenient, more comfortable, and even more valuable. Most homeowners don't upgrade their kitchens very often. It's kind of a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. So you may as well...

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Include the Old with the New
Posted by on March 15, 2024 in Uncategorized

Oftentimes when doing kitchen renovations, homeowners discover that there are parts of their old kitchen that are worth saving. Especially if it's an older home, there may be some features that are of high quality, valuable antiques, or simply a reminder of earlier times your family enjoyed together...

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