Pets and Home Renovations
Posted by on February 1, 2023 in Uncategorized

When you replace your kitchen, bathroom, or any other type of major home upgrade, it's bound to be disruptive. There will be loud noises, strangers walking in and out of your home, and a lot of changes to the standard household routines. In other words, for pets like dogs and cats, it can be an a...

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What Can You Do with Your Bathroom?
Posted by on January 12, 2023 in Uncategorized

When it comes to renovating kitchens, most homeowners have plenty of ideas. But bathroom renovations often can be more challenging to the imagination. That's because bathrooms typically are smaller, have fewer "working parts", and don't play a central role in your family's everyday life the way k...

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Minimizing Disruption during Kitchen Renovations
Posted by on January 5, 2023 in Uncategorized
Best Residential Contractor

One of the most frequent questions Mr. Kitchen gets from homeowners is, "How long will my kitchen renovation take?" It's a good question and certainly relevant because during demolition and construction, your kitchen will mostly be out of service. Unfortunately, there's no one answer. It all depe...

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Upgrade Your Lighting During Your Renovation
Posted by on December 15, 2022 in Uncategorized

Too many homeowners make lighting their lowest priority during a kitchen or bathroom renovation. Often, they just go out and buy just any fixture at the end of the project because they've replaced everything else and they may as well replace the overhead light or ceiling fan, too. But lighting sh...

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It May Look Messy Now But Just Wait …
Posted by on December 8, 2022 in Uncategorized

By their very nature, kitchen renovation projects are messy. There's a lot going on, usually starting with demolition down to the bare studs. But in just a matter of a few short days or weeks, everything eventually comes together. And while we strive to minimize the amount of mess that is created...

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New Appliances Complete Your Kitchen Renovation
Posted by on November 17, 2022 in Uncategorized
Your Kitchen

When planning your kitchen renovation, it's always a good idea to budget for new appliances. The last thing you want is to walk into your newly rehabbed kitchen only to see the same old, banged-up refrigerator, stove, microwave, and other appliances. New appliances will complete the new and excit...

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Dust Barriers Limit the Mess of Renovation
Posted by on November 10, 2022 in Uncategorized

Whenever we start a new kitchen renovation project, one of the first steps we take is to build a dust barrier. This usually is composed of plastic sheeting that is put up all around the construction area to keep the mess of renovation from spreading to the rest of the home. A dust barrier is a fl...

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Maximize Home Value with Kitchen Renovation
Posted by on October 19, 2022 in Uncategorized

For most people, their home is their biggest financial investment. And unlike many other big purchases, a home is much more likely to gain value over time than to lose value. So it makes sense to add value to your home by periodically making improvements that can boost the future selling price wh...

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Painting Usually Comes Last … And Here’s Why
Posted by on October 13, 2022 in Uncategorized

In any kitchen renovation, the is a definite sequence of many smaller jobs that make up the whole. And the last thing on the list is usually painting. Why? For a number of important reasons. First, painting needs to take place in an environment that is free of dust and debris. And until the very ...

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Go with the Flow …
Posted by on September 15, 2022 in Uncategorized

When thinking about a kitchen redesign, one of the most important considerations is "flow". How will your kitchen flow? In other words, what will be the natural, organic patterns that will emerge once your new kitchen is fully operational? Where will people come in? Where will they sit down? When...

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